Logging into Monitor for the First Time

This article is for all Monitor users.

You will receive a welcome email after your Monitor account is created.

  • If you are a Safeguarding, Reporting or IT Contact you can start using the Monitor portal.
  • If you are a Limited Safeguarding Contact you will receive email with a link or phone calls based on the Events that match the Risk Levels and Groups assigned to you. 

First Time Log In with Google or Microsoft

  1. Open your Monitor welcome email:
    United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand United States

    'Welcome to Smoothwall Monitor Managed Service' 

    From 'noreply@smoothwall.com'

    'Welcome to Linewize Monitor'

    From 'noreply-monitor@linewize.com'

  2. Select the 'Get started now' button.
  3. Select the log in method used at your school:
    • Log in with Google
    • Log in with Office 365
  4. Bookmark your Monitor Portal for use in the future.

    Monitor Portal - UK, Australia, New Zealand

    Monitor Portal - US

First Time Log In with a Password

If your school does not use Google or Office 356 (Microsoft):

  1. Open your Monitor welcome email:
    United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand United States

    'Welcome to Smoothwall Monitor Managed Service' 

    From 'noreply@smoothwall.com'

    'Welcome to Linewize Monitor'

    From 'noreply-monitor@linewize.com'

  2. Select Create Password
  3. Enter a password with a minimum of one of all of the following:
    • Eight characters
    • One lowercase letter
    • One uppercase letter
    • One number
    • One special character like !@#$%^&*
  4. Re-enter your new password.
  5. Select Reset password.
  6. Close the web page after 'Password Changed!' is displayed.
  7. Bookmark and go to your Monitor Portal:

    Monitor Portal - UK, Australia, New Zealand

    Monitor Portal - US


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