This article is for all Monitor users.
You will receive a welcome email after your Monitor account is created.
- If you are a Safeguarding, Reporting or IT Contact you can start using the Monitor portal.
- If you are a Limited Safeguarding Contact you will receive email with a link or phone calls based on the Events that match the Risk Levels and Groups assigned to you.
First Time Log In with Google or Microsoft
- Open your Monitor welcome email:
United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand United States Subject
'Welcome to Smoothwall Monitor Managed Service'From ''
'Welcome to Linewize Monitor'From ''
- Select the 'Get started now' button.
- Select the log in method used at your school:
- Log in with Google
- Log in with Office 365
- Bookmark your Monitor Portal for use in the future.
Monitor Portal - UK, Australia, New Zealand
Monitor Portal - US
First Time Log In with a Password
If your school does not use Google or Office 356 (Microsoft):
- Open your Monitor welcome email:
United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand United States Subject
'Welcome to Smoothwall Monitor Managed Service'From ''
'Welcome to Linewize Monitor'From ''
- Select Create Password.
- Enter a password with a minimum of one of all of the following:
- Eight characters
- One lowercase letter
- One uppercase letter
- One number
- One special character like !@#$%^&*
- Re-enter your new password.
- Select Reset password.
- Close the web page after 'Password Changed!' is displayed.
- Bookmark and go to your Monitor Portal:
Monitor Portal - UK, Australia, New Zealand
Monitor Portal - US
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