Changing Your Password or Resetting a Lost Password

This article is for Monitor users who log in with email and password.

If you log in to Monitor with an email and password, use the following steps to reset your password.


If you sign in with Google or Microsoft, you need to change your password
through their service:

  1. Open your Monitor Portal if you use an email and password.

    Monitor Portal - UK, Australia, New Zealand

    Monitor Portal - US

  2. Select ‘Forgot your password?’.
  3. Enter the Email address you use to log in to Monitor.
  4. Select SEND EMAIL.
  5. Close the browser tab or window after 'Check Your Email' is displayed.
  6. Open your email and open the following email:
    • Subject line 'Reset your password'
    • From ‘’ (UK) or ‘’ (US)
    • Check your spam or junk folder if the message is not in your inbox

  7. Select the ‘click here’ link in ‘... confirm the password change click here.’
  8. Enter your new password in New password and again into Re-enter new password:

    • At least 8 characters
    • At least 3 of the following:
      Lower case letters (a-z)
      Upper case letters (A-Z)
      Numbers (0-9)
      Special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)
  9. Select Reset password.
  10. Close the browser tab or window after ‘Password Changed!’ is displayed.
  11. Open your Monitor Portal in a new tab or window.
    • Sign in with your email address and new password.
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