How to deploy Monitor to Windows devices via Intune

This article is intended for IT Contacts.

This guide outlines the steps in deploying Monitor to Windows devices via Microsoft Intune.

Deploying the .intunewin file

Before you start

Download the Monitor Managed Service client (GLS) for Windows.

  1. Sign-in to Monitor Portal at or 
  2. Select the Monitor tile.
  3. Select Edit next to your Organisation.
  4. Select Clients on the left navigation.
  5. Select Windows 64 Bit from the Operating System dropdown.
  6. Select Get. The file will download as a zipped file.


    Image 1: Select the Windows 64 bit Monitor client

The extracted zip file will have the .msi and .intunewin files.


Image 2: Contents of the extracted Monitor folder

Deploy via Intune

To deploy via Intune, you only need the .intunewin file.

  1. Open Intune and go to Dashboard > Apps > Windows.
  2. Select + Add on the toolbar.


    Image 3: Select +Add on the toolbar

  3. Select Windows app (Win32) from the App type dropdown.


    Image 4: Select Windows app (Win32).

  4. On the App information tab, select Select app package file.


    Image 5: Select app package file

  5. Locate the .intunewin file on your device or shared drive, then select OK.
  6. On the App information tab, the Name and Description fields should autofill along with the App Version. Review the form and make sure “Smoothwall” is entered in the Publisher field (required), then select Next.
  7. Review the Program settings, including Allow available uninstall and Device restart behaviour, then select Next.


    Image 6: Review the Program settings

  8. On the Requirements tab, set the Operating system architecture to 64-bit and the Minimum operating system to Windows 10 1607, then select Next.

    deploying monitor via intune

    Image 7: Set the Operating system architecture and Minimum operating system.

  9. On the Detection rules tab, set Rules format to Manually configure detection rules, then select + Add.


    Image 8: Select Rules format option.

  10. On the pop-up dialog, change Rule type to MSI and select OK.

    deploying Monitor via Intune

    Image 9: Set Rule type.

  11. Back on the Add app tab, select Next.
  12. Select Next on the Dependencies and Supersedence tabs.
  13. Select the Device Group on the Assignments tab where the software needs installation.

    To install Monitor on all devices, select + Add all devices.
  14. On the Review + Create tab, select Create. Monitor will start deploying.

Deploy the Monitor deployment script

Before you start

Have the following ready:

Finding your school’s UNCL serial and Organisation ID

  1. Log in to Smoothwall Portal and select Monitor.
  2. On the Organisations screen, select the Edit link on your school tile.

    01 edit link on school tile.png

    Image 10: The Edit link

  3. Select License information on the left navigation.
  4. Your school’s UNCL Serial and Organisation ID will be shown on the right.

    11 UNCL serial and Org id.png

    Image 11: UNCL serial and Organisation ID

Start script deployment

  1. Open the downloaded script on a text editor and add your UNCL Serial ($serial) and Organisation ID ($org) to the top of the script:

    12 script.png

    Image 12: Add your school’s UNCL Serial and Organisation ID in the deployment script.

  2. On Intune, go to Dashboard > Devices > Scripts and select Add Windows 10 and later.
  3. Select the + Add dropdown, then Windows 10 and later.
  4. Select Next.
  5. On the Add PowerShell script page > Basics tab, give the script a name and a description.
  6. Select Next.
  7. On the Script Settings tab, set the location where you want to upload the script by selecting the folder icon.

    13 add powershell

    Image 13: Script location

  8. On the Assignments tab, select the Device Group the script needs to be installed on.


    To install the script on all devices, select + Add all devices.

  9. On the Review + add tab, select + Add. Monitor will start installing on the devices.
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