This is a guide to deploying Monitor in the Windows operating system. You will need your unique organization ID to install Monitor and you may also have an "UNCL" serial ID - depending on which you have determines which client you need to install.
Client version 2.x - for customers with an "UNCL" Serial ID and Organisation ID
New customers from July 2021 will have both an UNCL serial ID and an organisation ID for use with Monitor. This uses the 2.x version installer which can be downloaded from the "Monitor Client (GLS)" section at This is the same installer for both UK and US.
You can choose to do this by either:
Creating a silent install using the command line
You can create an unattended installation to push the Monitor Client out to all network devices.
Download the installer file.
Create a script that includes the following command line:
msiexec /i path-to-installer ORGID=orgid SERIALID=serialid PROXY=proxy:port ENABLEAZUREAD=#0 /qn
- path_to_installer is the full network path to the location of the relevant downloaded installation program.
- orgid is the unique ID provided for your organization.
- serialid is the unique serial number for your organization, this must start UNCL and have no spaces
- proxy is your organization proxy setting. This is OPTIONAL. If you don't provide a proxy, Monitor uses the device settings. If a connection using the proxy settings fails, Monitor attempts to connect directly.
- ENABLEAZUREAD is optional, and is only supported on version 2.5.0 onwards. Set the value to "#1" if users login with Azure Active Directory credentials. This will enable the correct username/domain to be detected. If you set the value to "#0", or omit the option, then conventional (on-prem) Active Directory will be used instead.
For example:
msiexec /i \\mynetworkdrive\downloads\Visigo_x64.msi ORGID=123456789 SERIALID=UNCL1234 /qn
You can manually modify these values after installation by editing the registry. They are stored at the following locations:
Version 2.0.0: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smoothwall
Version 2.1.0 and later: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smoothwall\Safeguarding Client
Creating an active directory group policy object (GPO)
Using an Active Directory Group Policy Object (GPO), you can create an unattended installation to push the Monitor MS Client out to all network devices. For a detailed description of how to setup such a GPO, refer to your Active Directory documentation.
- Download the installer file
- Create a GPO policy that:
- Deploys the MSI (for Windows 64-bit)
- Configures the following registry settings. Please note that the settings differ whether you are using MSI version 2.0.x or 2.1.x+
For MSI version 2.0.x:
Key Path SOFTWARE\Smoothwall
Value Name | Value Type | Value Data |
OrgID | REG_SZ | The UNCL serial ID provided for your organization, without spaces |
SerialId | REG_SZ | The UNCL serial ID provided for your organization, without spaces |
ProxyServer | REG_SZ | Your organization proxy setting. This field is OPTIONAL, if no proxy is provided Monitor MS will use the device settings. If connection using the proxy settings fails Monitor MS will attempt to connect directly. Format is |
EnableAzureAd | REG_DWORD |
Version 2.5.0 onwards only. Indicates if your organisation uses Azure Active Directory to authenticate users. Set this to 1 if you use AzureAD, or 0 if not. Defaults to 0 if omitted. Note: If you use AzureAD but do not set this to 1 then the wrong usernames/domains may be reported to the portal. |
Example registry setting for OrgID and SerialId for MSI version 2.1.x and later:
Client version 1.x - for customers with just an Organisation ID
Customers who just have an organisation ID will need to use the older 1.x version installer until they are upgraded to the UNCL serial ID system. For these use the installer from the "Monitor Client (legacy)" section at There is a different installer for UK and US customers.
You can choose to do this by either:
Creating a silent install using the command line
You can create an unattended installation to push the Monitor MS Client out to all network devices.
Download the installer file
Create a script that includes the following command line:
msiexec /i "path-to-installer" ORGID="orgid" PROXY="proxy:port" /qn
- path_to_installer is the full network path to the location of the relevant downloaded installation program.
- orgid is the unique ID provided for your organization.
- proxy is your organization proxy setting. This is OPTIONAL. If you don't provide a proxy, Monitor uses the device settings. If a connection using the proxy settings fails, Monitor attempts to connect directly.
For example:
msiexec /i \\mynetworkdrive\downloads\Visigo_x64.msi ORGID=123456789 /qn
Creating an active directory group policy object (GPO)
Using an Active Directory Group Policy Object (GPO), you can create an unattended installation to push the Monitor MS Client out to all network devices. For a detailed description of how to setup such a GPO, refer to your Active Directory documentation.
- Download the installer file
- Create a GPO policy that:
- Deploys the Visigo_x64.msi (for Windows 64-bit)
- Configures the following registry settings:
Key Path SOFTWARE\Smoothwall
Value Name | Value Type | Value Data |
OrgID | REG_SZ | The unique ID provided for your organization. |
ProxyServer | REG_SZ | Your organization proxy setting. This field is OPTIONAL, if no proxy is provided Monitor MS will use the device settings. If connection using the proxy settings fails Monitor MS will attempt to connect directly. Format is |
Example registry setting for OrgID:
Key Path SOFTWARE\Smoothwall
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