Generating Reports Using Monitor

This article is for Safeguarding and Reporting contacts.

You can use Monitor reporting to view a breakdown of your data, segmented by the tenants you have permission to view.

  1. Go to your Monitor Portal and select Reports from the navigation bar.

monitor - generating reports  - toplevel menu.png

  1. The Overview report is displayed.



You can change the time zone of the report by selecting the vertical three dots
(Dashboard actions), then selecting your desired time zone.


  1. (Optional) Filter the report by selecting criteria:


dashboard-overview-change date and school.png

Date and time Presets Relative to the time now, select common periods of time like the previous hour or 24 hours.
Custom Dates Select an exact start time / date and end time / date.
Org Name or ID In the Overview report only, focus your report on the specific name or ID of one of your organisations.
  1. Select the clockwise arrow icon monitor (refresh) to apply the filter.
  2. Select the downward triangle icon monitor(Hide filters) to remove your custom criteria and show the
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