Oversharer risk levels

A person who shares their own or others’ personal information that would make them contactable online or offline or would otherwise result in a serious personal data breach

The risk levels are identified for a user who has:

Level Reason
1 Given or attempted to give partially identifiable information such as a full name and region in which they live once in recent history

Given or attempted to give partially identifiable information such as a full name and county of residence several times in recent history

Attempted to give personal phone numbers or e-mail addresses publicly once in recent history


Given or attempted to give email addresses, usernames, phone numbers in online services, social media platforms or messengers once in recent history

Frequently shared Level 1 and 2 content


Given or attempted to give telephone numbers or highly identifiable information such as name, town or city and school name publicly several times in recent history

Shared lower-level content frequently in recent history


Given or attempted to share extremely identifiable information with another person such as a full address or GPS location

Shared bank or credit card account details with individuals in recent history

Frequently repeated lower-level Oversharer Events

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