Using the Overview Report in Monitor

This article is for Safeguarding and Reporting contacts.

You can use the Overview Report to review summaries of Events that have occurred during a selected time period. 

You can assess if your students have experienced any increase in Monitor events. If you see a large increase in the number of events, especially in a specific Risk Category, you can use this information to create an outreach program. You can also use an increase to investigate filtering content or websites with your IT contacts. The first tiles display a:

  • count of Level 3+ Events
  • count of Level 5 Events
  • column chart of Level 3+ Events by Risk Category

event-overview and risk profiles.png

You may notice an increase in the number of events around different times in your school year. You can also correlate the changes relating to students’ reactions to major sports, media or social events. The next tiles display column charts of:

  • Level 3+ Events by Month and by Risk Category 
  • Level 3+ Events over Time by Risk Level


You may need to determine if events are happening during or outside of school hours. For example, you may want to reach out to parents if you notice a large number of events in evening hours compared to engaging your teaching staff when you observe potential distractions during school hours. The final set of tiles shows:

  • Level 3+ Events by Risk Category and by Hour of Day 
  • Level 3+ Events by Risk Category and by Day of Week 


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