Creating Alerting Profiles in Monitor

This article is for Safeguarding Contacts

Alerting Profiles are customisable profiles used for reporting on Monitor Groups where you can specify different alert types and email alert levels.

Safeguarding Contacts can create and customise Alerting Profiles for different groups of users. Alerting Profiles are linked with a Monitor Group so that any alerts raised for any user within that group trigger a call and/or an email to the appropriate contacts.


Before you start, ensure your Cloud Admin/Tech Admin has:

  1. Synced your Azure AD, Google Directory or Windows AD with Monitor.
  2. Created one or more Monitor Groups.

Ensure you have or another Safeguarding Contact has created:

Creating Alerting Profiles


Users who don’t fit an Alerting Profile will be picked up by the default profile which will be sent to the main Safeguarding Contact.

  1. Go to your Monitor Portal home page.
  2. Select Edit for your required Organisation.
  3. Select Alerting Profiles on the sidebar.
  4. Select Create New Alerting Profile.
  5. Enter a Name and Description. The Name and Description can be edited after the profile is saved.
  6. Select a Target Age Range using the dropdown. This helps the Moderation of the reporting. You can select from:
    • Young Child (4-10)
    • Older Child (11-16)
    • Young Adult (17-18) 
    • Adult (18+)
  7. Select a Target Group. These are the Monitor Groups created within your directory. You can select more than one group.
  8. Search for a Safeguarding or Limited Safeguarding Contact’s name in Phone Call Contacts.
    • An (S) indicates a Safeguarding Contact and an (L) indicates a Limited Safeguarding Contact.
  9. Select a contact.
    • A minimum of one Phone Call Contact is required on an Alerting Profile.
    • Phone Call Contacts will not receive email alerts unless they are also added to Email Contacts.
    • (Optional) You can remove a contact by selecting Remove.
  10. (Optional) Repeat the search if you need to add more than one Phone Call Contact.
    • You can add up to 10 Phone Call Contacts.
    • Drag a contact’s name to the top of the list to prioritise who is called first. The Moderator will call the next contact in the list if the call is not answered until they speak to a contact.

Figure 1: Phone Call Contacts in an Alerting Profile

  1. Search for a Safeguarding (S) or Limited Safeguarding Contact (LS) in Email Contacts.
    • Email alerts are automatically sent to all Email Contacts for the users in this profile’s Target Group at the time an Event is recorded.
    • Email Contacts will not receive phone calls unless they are also added to Phone Call Contacts.
    • You can remove a contact by selecting the X.
  2. (Optional) Change the default Alert Levels for each of the Event Types. You can select from:

    • You can select from N/A, Level 1+, Level 2+, Level 3+, Level 4+ and Level 5.

  3. Select Create.


Safeguarding Contacts can review all Alerts in the Monitor Portal, even if they are not a phone or email contact in an Alerting Profile.

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